La Julia
Size: 7.92ha
Method: Enrichment planting and cacao under canopy
Capacity: 1516Tons
Short description:
Widow and ill to Covid19, Julia was forced to abandon farm, where natural regeneration started. Since 2023, the very small family is cleaning the farm to go back to cattle breeding; removing the regenerated vegetation. Proyecto Palo offered Julia an alternative, by occupying the dense area for planting cacao under the new canopy and implement enrichment planting in this newly generated early secondary forest. The cacao will start production within 4 years, and close to Julia’s house are cooperations where cacao farmers aggregate value to the product.
El Jobo Dulce
Size: 1.92ha
Method: Agroforestry
Capacity: 969Tons
Short description:
Pilot project to show farmers in the Pacific region alternatives to livestock farming.
This pilot project focuses on the planting of different species that are sought after by the pharmaceutical industry for their alkaloids. By valorising the existence of the trees, we are trying to anchor the project with financial benefits.
Rio El Cacao
Size: 17.30ha
Method: Agroforestry
Capacity: 6954Tons
Short description:
Cacao production aimed reforestation project, including the production of Ipecac alkaloids. This project aims also to make a case to surrounding farmers to alternative land use and long term financial stability and soil recovery methods. The fast growing canopy will allow the planting of cacao within one and a halve years.
Coming soon: Boaco
18 ha of former cattle farm to be reforestated
coming soon: California
35 ha of former cattle farm to be reforestated