Project Data Sheet

This page gives project details like current situation, with updates on progress, the nursery planting, location, all in the shape of a weblog.

Project Rio el Cacao

The plan for 2024

Rio Cacao project comprises a small area of 7,400 to be bamboo reforestation program with Guadua species, to promote the planting of this local species to grow material for production of bamboo-timber.

But the majority of the reforestation will be the establishment of fast growing species to support a 17.4hectare cacao plantation to be initiated as soon as canopy allows, probably during 2025. Meanwhile agricultural activities to enhance soil quality, like organic beans and soil breaking platano growth will prepare the soil for the cacao trees.
 Currently the area is part of a cattle farm of over 2000hectares, with the majority of Rio Cacao without its forest. Proyecto Palo wants to start a riverbank protection program in this area.